Remember your first big purchase? Like the first car you ever bought all on your own? If you were like me, it scared you to death. Problem is, I had a good reason to have been scared because I definitely got screwed at the ripe ol age of 18. Yup, I bought a truck for $19k. Single cab, forest green, with flames on each side. The flames were cool for about a month… I ended up having that truck for about 6 years. When I paid that truck off, I had spent about $55k. So as you can tell, my 20% interest rate definitely screwed me. Well, here we are again- Big life purchase #2: Home edition.

The house we really wanted is pretty dang close to being ours. I should be super excited, but I am going to admit that I am scared to death. This is something that I have been saving for since I was 17 years old and I put my first $25 in my first savings account. It’s been 12 years and I have just about enough to put down… and to leave me back at where I started. Seeing a house as an investment is tough to do when you don’t understand crap about real estate. Interest rates, loans, ARM loans, foundation problems, inspections, good faith estimates… its all French to me. I just nod my head and hope to God that my bank knows how scared I am. But we are all in now. Within about a month, or two, we should be moving into the house we dubbed “dream house”. I just hope this feeling is something everyone goes through. It is, right? It will be ok… it always ends up being ok… although, sometimes it is a super crazy, bumpy, road to being ok. If all else fails, I can Magic Mike it.

Speaking of Magic Mike, Shanon and I are taking a trip to Bend, Oregon today. It’s a long trip there, and a long trip back. In fact, I believe we will be traveling for more time than we will spend there. This means we have to find a way to pass the time. So why did Shanon burn me a copy of Magic Mike? Don’t get me wrong, I am going to watch the crap out of it, but I have bad luck lately. This means that I will end up sitting next to some guy that I have met before, but don’t really know, and he will get some pretty crazy ideas about me. Oh well, I need that movie to pass the time. That’s how we roll.