I have encountered the two toughest things in my life:
1. Dealing with going away for the weekend… without the kids. I know, they will not remember this weekend in a year. Something about leaving your kids for the first time, is incredibly frightening. I have gone on business trips, but Kinsey is there with them, when I have to do this. We did this with Cason when he was about the same age as Chloe. But it has been a year and a half since that wedding. This is the first time we are leaving both. We got extremely great people watching them: Kinsey’s sister, Kinsey’s friends mom, and our babysitter (who Cason happens to be in love with). The problem is not with Chloe, shes chill. The problem is Cason. He understands things now. He can’t communicate verbally all the way yet, but he definitely understands a lot. Heck, dude cries if Kinsey goes to her car to grab something. He cries if I go take a shower and close the door. It is seriously heartbreaking for us… but parent getaways are something that is crucial to marriages. We need this alone time together, at least that is what “experts” always write about. On the bright side, it is much easier to travel without kids, especially when we are only going to be there for one full day, plus its a wedding, and Cason is over two now… which means we have to pay for his tickets now. Yeah, pay a lot of money to get mean stares from people on a plane. Sounds like fun! haha.
2. Finding a suit and dress shirt. Here’s the thing. My arms are long… really long. I dont know what happened to the rest of my body. Doctor said I was going to be about 6’5 when I was a freshman in high school… well I didn’t grow anymore after getting that checkup. I have been this height since I was 15 years old. My arms, kept growing tho. This is why you will always see me with rolled up sleeves. If I do find sleeves that are long enough, the shirt ends up being huge, and I look like I am swimming in it. I suffer from the heartbreak of long arms. This is why I never went into the corporate world. I wouldn’t have anything to wear. I did have an awkward encounter while shopping for shirts, I told the guy that my arms never fit into long sleeves. He looked at me and said, “why? You’re not that buff.” hahaha. I was talking length, not girth. Gotta love teenage dudes.