What is it about us that makes every new dating prospect husband potential? I’m a little different here when it comes to dating. I definitely don’t start walking down the imaginary aisle before we’re at least to the love stage. I will admit to one thing though. I instantly think of having their last name and what it would sound like. Is this superficial? I don’t care if it is, but I always think about that even if it was a one and done kind of date. Just yesterday my best friend and I were talking about a guy that has been asking me out and even though I keep saying no (mainly because he doesn’t have social media and I can’t investigate him), she said Jenna and his name over and over to see if it “had a ring to it”. Another thing we do that would send a guy running if he heard I’m sure. But the reality is, names matter and I am definitely turned off by weird ones. On the flip side, a great name isn’t necessarily a deal maker. I just love that we practice writing our signature with a guy’s last name like we are in 6th grade and have a secret crush. I’m not even some sappy, romance-heavy girl! Yet I still do this:)
I also want to let you know that I found the cure for The Mondays. Pancakes. Yes, I went to a diner and had breakfast for dinner and it was incredible. It’s only taken me 30 years to realize this is what puts me in a good mood. So next time you’re having a rough start to your week, eat some pancakes.