Breaking Bad signifies the end of an era for me. I instinctually switch the TV from Sunday Night Football to AMC only to realize it’s not there anymore, and never will be again. I have Breaking Bad PTSD. I’m passing the time with Homeland now…ehhh. I decided that since the season is changing literally and since my Sundays will never be the same, it’s time for a drastic change. Perhaps I was just edgy from watching Gravity in 3D (good, heavy, made me nauseous…yes that’s my review), but I got the sudden urge to start getting rid of things. I’m talking 10 trash bags and I’m not finished. To the shelter they go. Hopefully someone will have a need for skinny jeans and gladiator sandals. Some homeless person is about to get hobonista. Boho-bo…you get the point. I’d say almost half my life in terms of clothes is in those bags. It is time to move one. I’m almost 30 ya know. Don’t worry. Not a single pair of jorts is in there. I shall never part with my denim friends.
I managed to make it out one night this weekend. I’m still trying to find that happy medium between despondent homebody and staying out til the sun comes up, next day ruiner. So, I 7th wheeled it to dinner with some of my friends and my dinner to home plan quickly turned into, wait my phone alarm for work is going off and I am at some late night party? It was worth it though. Clearly, my Saturday was productive. Taco Bell and naps were the highlights. I couldn’t even make it long enough to watch Miley ruin SNL.
What’s the most drastic thing you’ve done when your cell phone died? I left the bar to go home and get a charge at a friend’s house. I normally don’t care about my phone since I often go days without texting a soul, but I just happened to get a message I cared about and my luck equaled text death. My grief counselor asked me at our last meeting if I had any “prospects” lately. Like that was a foreign word I said, “you mean dates?”. Yes, that is what she meant. So I felt I better stop being so stubborn and mopey and get on with it already. Hey, at least I’m making effort right? Perhaps I will get of half my life and the bad half will go with it, making room for a new half. Worst case scenario, I will feel half empty still, but some homeless person is going to be rocking some badass Chloe sunnies. Upsides:)