NO dip cups in the theater. It was already a low point going to a Sunday night movie solo. I barely made the 530. I have no qualms about seeing a movie alone, but I’d prefer to have a theater of like minded people. Lots of couples go to the movies on the weekend. I like couples, but is it weird that I prefer to go to the movies alone? No one to ask me what they missed when they were checking their phone. Not forced to share popcorn with anyone just so I don’t look high maintenance. I honestly really hate popcorn, always have. Yet I eat it when on movie dates just so I appear to be one of those girls who always eats healthy. I don’t ever do this, bad feminist moment. So, one ticket for the AIDS movie it was and I would have paid for two more if it meant getting dip cup spitter away. I was especially annoyed since it was my first time getting out since leaving work on Friday. Yes, I slept about 24 of 40 straight hours and it was glorious. It does however get quite lonely, which might make it sightly more understandable when I say Jared Leto looked hot as a woman. I was into it. The Jared Leto part, not the woman. The movie was good-Dallas Buyers Club-but I would have liked more music. Drugs, sex and bull riding? It’s like the southern 80’s version of Blow. Nowhere near the soundtrack though. I can’t text in movie….but this guy can spit every 60? Stop making sense.

domesticated-womanI’m really tired of my friends giving me a hard time about not being domesticated. Do people not understand that domestication is a choice? Sometimes, from a pet’s perspective, imprisonment. There. Domestication = imprisonment. Too strong? Look, I spent a year post college, cooking, decorating, cleaning (before the maid). I rocked out those gooey butter cakes and a goat cheeses stuff chicken breasts, that gave NO ONE food poisoning. Yet, it’s still not good enough, Forced into domestication like a pet squirrel. This was inspired by an article a guy sent me.