There are many dating deal breakers for me, but the most recent wussfest drama going on with pro golfer Roy Mcllroy is just mind-blowing. I’ve encountered plenty of douchey in my life, but a man’s inability to be exactly that, a MAN, in matters of love, continues to shockingly disappoint.

broken-up-with-on-phoneIf you have no idea what I’m referring to, Rory dumped his tennis star fiancée in a 3 minute phone call, days after their wedding invitations had already been sent out. What ever happened to that whole earning your way OUT of things? Guys will go to the ends of the earth to get laid once, but can’t handle putting that same energy into ending it? It’s not the breaking up part I have a hard time with. I get it, feelings change, people get freaked out. If you propose over the phone and hook up over the phone, then you should be allowed to dump over the phone. Get out the same way you get in right? I know it’s awkward crushing someone into a million pieces in person, but you deserve to see that meltdown face to face. I want to ugly cry and possible embarrass the shit out of you when you do that.

If I were her, I would send out wedding cancel invitations with the blackmail photo collection. Every girl needs a blackmail photo collection. I have never had to use mine, probably because I pride myself on being “the bigger person” at times of heartbreak. However, wedding canceled after invites sent out warrants some serious humiliation. Maybe it’s more disturbing that I can still root for Tiger Woods to win tournaments after his rampage, but I won’t be happy for Rory’s wins. Elin knows what’s up. Granted, I’d never consider going all Tanya Harding on my husband, but she punished physically and financially. Scary, but funny.