Today’s overachieving teacher is Natalia Salto and she is planning on using the money for a Promotion Ceremony and a nice book that students can take home to read during the summer! Read what she wrote below.
“Hi! I have an amazing group of kids this year, and I would love to make the end of the year special for them. I would put the $500 towards their Promotion Ceremony and a nice book that they can take home to read during the summer. I am really proud of the hard work they’ve done this year and believe they deserve to be sent on to Middle School with a blast! Having gone through COVID and come on the other side should be celebrated, and considering this is their first full year back since second grade, they’ve done amazing! Thank you for doing this for teachers! You guys are the best! :)”
Deserving teachers could win $500 for their class HERE!
Listen to “Overachieving Teacher-Mrs. Salto” on Spreaker.