Kate returns to TV… Bear West rumors… The future plans of “Empire”… A passionate celebrity kiss… and Felicity Huffman plead guilty in the college cheating scandal

First we had “Jon & Kate Plus 8”….then “Kate Plus 8”…Now get ready for “Kate Plus Date”! Kate Gosselin — mother of 18-year-old twins Mady and Cara, and 14-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel and Leah — says she hasn’t dated for the last decade. Kate will be helped by two matchmakers who give her dating advice and try to help her show her fun-loving, softer side. But many are saying Kate’s brutally honest oldest daughters are the best part of the show. While Mady and Kara don’t want their mom to die alone, they’re also grossed out about mom dating. Mady says watching her mom trying to flirt makes her want to throw up. The six-part series will air on TLC starting June 10.

What is that baby’s name?? Maybe today’s the day that Kim and Kanye will tell us the name of their 5-day old fourth child. A lot of people think Kim already told us in a super secretive way. On Saturday, Kim tweeted some pictures from her baby shower and bragged on her new baby as being the “most calm and chill” of all her children so far. She ended the tweet with a bear emoji. That’s it! Some are saying the baby’s name is Bear! It would make sense after naming their last daughter Chicago…..and they have the Chicago Bears. Duh.

Fox has announced that “Empire” will return this fall for its sixth and final season. Will Jussie Smollett be part of it? That remains to be seen, but probably. Even though Fox Entertainment CEO Charlie Collier said yesterday that they have no plans to include Jussie, the other cast members have made it abundantly clear that they want him back. And the show creator Lee Daniels says he considers Jussie to be his son and stands by him no matter what.

Like millions of us did on Mother’s Day, Maluma posted a picture of him and his mom sharing a kiss and captioned it with what translates to, “Happy day love of my life, Happy Mother’s Day.” But a lot of people were a little taken aback by the WAY Maluma kissed his mother. Mom’s arms are wrapped around her son’s waist, and Maluma is holding his mother’s face in his hands while planting a smooch on her lips. Some thought it was a little too romantic, but Maluma’s rep says y’all need to get over that because Maluma is from Colombia and this is cultural. The rep told People, “It’s normal in Latin culture, especially if you’re the only son or the baby of the house. It’s affection and a form of respect. He’s open about who he is and his cultural values, this is just part of it.”

“For better or worse” apparently doesn’t apply when it comes to bad publicity. Felicity Hoffman walked into a Boston courthouse holding the hand of her brother — NOT the hand of her husband William H. Macy. In fact, William’s basically left Felicity to handle the fallout of the college admissions scandal all on her own. Felicity broke down in tears telling the judge that her daughter Sophia Grace had been diagnosed with learning disabilities when she was 8 and had been receiving extra time to take tests since she was 11. But that didn’t excuse her paying someone to correct her daughter’s SAT scores, so she pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud. The maximum penalty is 20 years, but in the plea deal she signed last month, prosecutors will ask a judge to sentence Felicity to 4 months in prison, one year of supervised release, and a $20K fine. The sentencing hearing is September 21.

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