Rodgers brothers update… Ryan Seacrest is miserable in NYC… Bill Cosby trial day two… Alex Rodriguez has a crazy ex… and Amal and George Clooney welcome boy and girl twins

If you thought Aaron Rodgers breaking up with Olivia Munn would send him running back to his family, you were wrong! The family blamed Olivia for causing Aaron to turn his back on his kin, but who can they blame it on now? Sources told Us Weekly that his mom has tried reaching out to him repeatedly the past few months, but Aaron refuses to engage. Meantime, what’s up with Aaron’s brother Jordan and his fiancee JoJo Fletcher? Both of them unfollowed each other on Instagram and Twitter, but then added each other again. But the bigger question is, who’s monitoring whether JoJo and Jordan are following each other on social media or not??

This shouldn’t be shocking news to anyone, but says Ryan Seacrest is miserable in NYC and thinks he made a huge mistake moving there. But come on….Ryan is totally an LA type of guy! And sources say he’s not digging the NY weather or the constant hustle of the city, and he’s become a bit of a recluse because of it. Even though Ryan is invited to something almost every night, he chooses to stay home, just counting the days until the weekend when he can hop on a plane and head back to LA. In an attempt to lift his spirits, producers of “Live with Kelly & Ryan” are talking about moving the show out to LA for a few weeks.

Bill Cosby’s accuser Andrea Constand took the stand during day two of his sexual assault trial yesterday. Andrea testified that she first met Bill in 2002, when she was the director of basketball operations at Temple University. She said their friendship developed naturally but one time at dinner, he made a move on her and she shut him down. She said she continued her friendship with him after that because she wasn’t scared of somebody making a pass at her. And things did remain friendly, Andrea testified, until the night of the alleged sexual assault. She says she went to Bill’s home to discuss a possible career change and that’s when he offered her what he said were 3 herbal pills to help her calm down. He then encouraged her to drink a glass of wine and the next thing she knows, she’s slurring her words, her legs turned to rubber, and Bill helped her to the couch to lie down. The next thing she remembers is waking up to Bill groping her. She testified that she couldn’t fight back because it was like her body was frozen. When she confronted him about it a day later, Bill dodged her questions. She finally told her mom about it a year later and then reported the incident to the police. Andrea will be back on the stand today for cross-examination. Bill faces up to 10 years in prison if he’s convicted of sexual assault.

Alex Rodriguez has a crazy ex on his hands. Lauren Hunter told the National Enquirer that she met A-Rod at the Equinox in West Hollywood back in 2011. She claims they had a raunchy, torrid affair that continued until VERY recently….as in, while he was with Jennifer Lopez. Lauren says Alex would trash JLo for being old and she says she knows that when he’s with Jennifer now, he’s picturing her instead. But Alex has a different story to tell. TMZ is reporting that he broke up with this woman back in 2014, but she would still contact him every now and then to ask for money. Alex insists he never gave her anything. But then about a week ago, he had enough of communicating with her and told her to leave him alone because he was in a happy, committed relationship with Jennifer. And that’s when the poo hit the fan. Lauren went crazy nuts, insisting that she refused to be ignored and demanded he pay her $600K or she would sell her story to tabloids. Now Alex’s legal team is preparing to go to police and even federal authorities.

One set of twins are here! George and Amal Clooney have welcomed Ella and Alexander into the world. Everyone is doing fabulously! And now we’re waiting anxiously for the birth of the next celebrity twins — Beyonce and Jay Z’s babies!!


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