Hope Solo booed by Brazilian fans… ‘Playboy’ model asks for $10k… Chad Johnson apologizes… Lawsuit against Kelly Osbourne… and Kris Jenner injured in car crash
Even though the opening ceremony isn’t until tomorrow night, the Olympic games have already begun. Yesterday, it was women’s soccer — the US vs. New Zealand, which the US won, 2-0. And every time our goalie Hope Solo was in possession of the ball, she was booed and the crowd yelled, “Zika!” Apparently, the people of Brazil aren’t happy with Hope’s recent tweets where she joked about protecting herself from the Zika virus. She posted a picture of herself wrapped in a mosquito net and holding a jug of bug repellent, captioning it, “Not sharing this!!! Get your own! #zikaproof #RoadToRio.” Then she posted another photo of dozens of bottles of bug spray, captioning that one, “If anyone in the village forgets to pack repellent, come and see me… #DeptOfDefense #zikaproof.” Apparently, Brazil doesn’t think that’s funny. At all. Hope says the boos didn’t bother her one bit.
If anyone in the village forgets to pack repellent, come and see me…#DeptOfDefense #zikaproof
A photo posted by Hope Solo (@hopesolo) on
Jen Wilke is one of the pretty people. She’s been in “Playboy” swimsuit calendars and everything. But she wants to take her career to the next level and she needs our help. Jen has set up a Go Fund Me page, asking for $10K to help make her dreams come true. She says, “The offers that I am getting for photo shoots, castings, and key social events are what I have always dreamed of, and I am still worrying about covering basic expenses like clothing, travel and lodging. I know that I am almost at a point where I could support myself and once I am there, I intend on using my profile and my position for the good of society. I just need to get there first.” Her first concern was earning enough money to cover her expenses for the Maxim Hot 100 party, which she did attend on July 30. But I don’t know how she did it because at last check, she’d only raised $920. If Jen’s story touched your heart and you’d like to help, here’s what you get for your donations. Level 1 is a $5 donation, which gets you a selfie plus regular progress updates. Level 2 is a $10 donation, which gets you a signed picture. For $25, you get bumped up to Level 3 and receive a signed poster. Level 4 is $50 and you get a signed picture AND a signed poster. Level 5 is $65 and that’s apparently as high of a level Jen is willing to reward. And for that you get a signed picture, a signed poster, and you get in on the pre-order for her 2017 calendar.
J-Si WAS a fan of Bachelorette bad guy Chad Johnson…..until he went on “Bachelor in Paradise” and called Sarah Herron a “one-armed b****” and “Army McArmenson.” Sarah suffered from amniotic band syndrome, which caused her to be born with only the upper portion of her left arm. After the show aired, Chad tweeted, “I should’ve never ever EVER said that abt @sarahherron tonight. I was a d*** im disappointed in myself.” He also posted a video apology and he’s been apologizing in interviews, but Sarah says she’s still waiting for an apology in person. She would also like Chad to make a donation to her nonprofit, SheLift.org, which “empowers girls to conquer their personal obstacles by providing them with the tools, experiences and mentorship to work towards living an inspired, authentic life.”
I should’ve never ever EVER said that abt @sarahherron tonight. I was a dic k im disappointed in myself pic.twitter.com/6hV2suBHRY
— Chad Johnson (@realchadjohnson) August 3, 2016
Ozzy Osbourne’s now former mistress has filed a defamation lawsuit against Kelly Osbourne. After Kelly found out about her dad’s 4-year affair with Michelle Pugh, Kelly fired off tweets with Michelle’s phone number encouraging people to call her for a lewd act and also accused her of elder abuse. Michelle claims she was “slut-shamed, bullied and harassed” and her business as a hairstylist was damaged. She is seeking unspecified damages.
Kris Jenner JUST got her Rolls-Royce a week ago and now it’s totaled. It wasn’t her fault. It happened near her home in Calabasas. Kris was tooting along when somebody driving a Prius ran a red light and hit her. Kris complained that her wrist hurt and was treated by paramedics at the scene. A lot of people assumed Kylie was in the car with her mom, but she went online to assure us all that she’s okay. Oh, and then she let us know that her mom was okay, too.
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