Sexiest American accents… “Fashion Police” update… Ryan Seacrest’s new show… Erin Andrews wants $75 million in damages… and An update on Lamar Odom’s condition

British Airways polled 1000 Americans, asking them which British accents they found most sexy, and they asked 1000 Brits which American accents were the sexiest. British people looooooove Morgan Freeman’s sexy bass, putting him in the top spot. Dolly Parton was second followed by Reese Witherspoon. Apparently, they love women with a Southern drawl! Americans find Sean Connery’s brogue the sexiest, followed by Hugh Grant and then Keira Knightly.

After Melissa Rivers cleaned house at “Fashion Police,” you’d think things would be more peaceful on set. Not so! A source told that Brad Goresky and Giuliana Rancic are at each other’s throats. The source says, “Brad has gotten a little too big for his britches lately and he is coming across somewhat arrogant at times. It’s like his personal style is the only style that’s good.” According to the insider, Brad has been disagreeing with Giuliana on almost every single look and it’s becoming obvious that he has something against her.

Ryan Seacrest just isn’t busy enough. Now he’s producing a new comedy for CBS called “Squad Goals.” It’s about a group of 20-somethings who met back in college and realize it’s finally time to grow up. Hopefully, this will do better than Ryan’s previous attempts at producing sitcoms like “$#*! My Dad says” and “Mixology.”

Erin Andrews is still angry about that pervert who filmed her through the peephole of her Nashville hotel room back in 2008. Michael David Barrett was found guilty of felony stalking in December 2009 and he was sentenced to 30 months in prison. But now Erin has filed an amended complaint against Marriott International and several others, saying they helped this stalker find her. Erin claims the staff told this guy she was staying at their hotel, which room she was in, and then when he asked for the room right next to hers, they said, “No problem!” She wants $75 million in damages.

Sources say Lamar Odom’s condition has not changed. “Us Weekly” is reporting that doctors still can’t tell the extent of brain damage Lamar suffered. They’re waiting for his major organs to start working again. He’s on dialysis and he can’t breathe without using a machine. Khloe Kardashian hasn’t left his side. Sources say she’s barely slept and she’s simply inconsolable. Due to a backlog in the California courts, she’s still legally married to Lamar and is making all the decisions regarding his care. She’s flown in specialists to Vegas to get their expert opinions. She’s also flown in Lamar’s father and children, as well as the children’s mother. But despite rumors, E!’s cameras are not filming inside the hospital.


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