Beyoncé WILL perform at the Grammys… Harry Styles celebrates 23… Jennifer Lopez doesn’t like the label “cougar”… Travis Scott falls off stage… and $5 Million for a Super Bowl Ad

She’s pregnant but she’s not an invalid! Apparently, Beyoncé believes the Grammys are still relevant enough and she WILL perform at the Grammys on Feb. 12. She was spotted rehearsing at a secret location in LA yesterday. People are still wondering whether or not she’ll be able to perform at Coachella in April. If she doesn’t, she’ll still reportedly pocket about a million because of the insurance policy taken out on her in case she is incapacitated for any reason, which would include being told by a doctor you can’t perform because you’re too pregnant with twins.

How did you celebrate your big 2-3? Harry Styles partied with Cindy Crawford, Adele and Tommy Lee at Cafe Habana in Malibu, which is owned by Cindy’s hubby, Randy Gerber. Three out of four of his old One Direction buddies tweeted their “Happy Birthday, Harry!” messages. Want to take a guess at the one who didn’t?

Jennifer Lopez doesn’t like the label “cougar,” but she’s basically admitting she is. In the new issue of “W” magazine, Jennifer says there’s just something about a younger man. She said, “Men in their 20s are very confident and cocky, and women are insecure. And then it flips. Men get super insecure, and women get comfortable in their own skin in a way that makes them more beautiful.” Jennifer also admitted, “I never appreciated my body or my looks when I was in my 20s. Now I’m like, Look at me! Look at you! Not in a conceited or arrogant way! I just appreciate myself in a way I didn’t when I was that age.” Jennifer’s most recent fling is rumored to be Drake, who just turned 30. And her off-again boyfriend Casper Smart is 29. Jennifer is 47.

Drake is missing Jennifer AND the Grammys because he’s got concerts lined up across the pond. Last night in London, Travis Scott was performing “Goosebumps” with Drake when he fell into this huge hole in the stage — the same hole where this giant globe is supposed to inflate below and then rise onto the stage during the concert. The deflated globe broke Travis’ fall, but Travis broke the globe. Since the audience didn’t get to enjoy the greatness of that great big ball, Drake promised to give refunds to everybody.

Lots of people care about who wins the Super Bowl. The rest of us care about the commercials. This year, the rate for a 30 second spot reportedly is going for $5 million. And that doesn’t account for what it costs advertisers to hire celebrities to pimp their products. Does it actually pay off? Will you be more inclined to start your own website using after Jason Statham’s commercial? Will you more inclined to eat Avocados from Mexico because Jon Lovitz told you to? Or will you stuff your face with KFC after their first official Super Bowl commercial ever airs, featuring dueling Colonels played by Billy Zane and Rob Riggle? Then to undo the damage, you may take Justin Timberlake’s suggestion and down a Bai antioxidant beverage. It is all out war when it comes to cars. Hyundai hopes Joe Montana will convince you to go with them. Honda has hired Steve Carell; Kia went with Melissa McCarthy; it’s Minnie Driver for Lexus; Cam Newton and Miranda Kerr for Buick; Bryan Cranston is your Ford guy; and Mercedes Benz is keeping it classy with Peter Fonda in a spot directed by the Coen Brothers. And not only is Lady Gaga doing the Halftime Show, she’s also pimping Tiffany….because EVERY girl loves that little blue box.

Watch the All-New Honda CR-V 2017 Big Game Commercial below!


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