Big Al’s Blog: The Huge Foot in Mouth Moment
Big Al’s Blog: The Huge Foot in Mouth Moment

The Huge Foot in Mouth moment happened this past weekend and it was BAD! Oh, it was bad. We were all sitting around after closing time . That’s pretty much when the bartenders and waitresses close out their tabs and we just kind of unwind. So I was sitting there in the middle of the bar and I was flanked by two waitresses. Somehow the conversation turned to the few waitresses that had recently been hired and then, quit a few days later. The two most recent girls that quit had only worked at the bar less than a week. So, while the waitresses were sitting next to me, for some reason I felt like it was a good time to pose this question: “Why is it that the hot waitresses always quit after a week and the not hot waitresses stay for years?” There was a quiet few moments… then, one of them said, “Thanks Al.” I guess that’s when it hit me. I just insulted every waitress that is sitting here. I tried to clean it up. I said no I meant that the new ones that we hired. There was no cleaning this up. I had screwed up royally. I apologized. They laughed a little but they were hurt. I know this. Oh, I’m an idiot!