I had the “brainstorm” of putting a few things up for sale since I’m getting ready to move in a month. Before I knew it, I had practically every piece of furniture that I own listed online. It’s kind of scary selling everything. But yes, it’s exciting too. And there’s always the doubt if I’m doing the right thing. But there’s no looking back now. I have put in my 30-day notice at my apartments and I’m moving out of the high rise and into a house. Curtis will have a small yard to run around in and I’ll have a real garage. Well, my truck doesn’t actually fit in it but that’s beside the point.

So, if I am selling all of my stuff, that means I will have to buy all new stuff. I’m not really all that great at that but we’ll see how this works out. But it sure will cut down on a LOT of the moving time, right?