Big Al’s Blog: Can I get some help in the kitchen??
Big Al’s Blog: Can I get some help in the kitchen??

Ok, lets get this straight. if one person cooks, the other washes dishes, right?

The Hot Tub conversation with another naked man is always a little awkward but I had one yesterday. After a 35 min cardio workout, I got into the hot tub where I saw another large spablack man. He was kinda in the middle of the tub which is a hot tub foul. You need to stand or sit in one of the 3 other corners away from the entrance corner or at least by one of the other sides. But no, this dude was right in the middle of this 10×10’ hot tub. At least he wasn’t standing where he faced the entrance as I got in naked…that would have been a deal killer. I got in and headed to my corner and proceeded to stretch my back. again, that’s kinda awkward too when you make weird moves in the tub where there is another naked man 3 feet away. Then he asked me, “how long have you had back problems?” it took me by surprise that he even said anything. The hot tub at the gym for most guys is like when you go pee. You look straight ahead and don’t talk. But I had to admire this dude. He clearly was a hot tub rebel. He was breaking the rules. He was standing in the middle and he was talking to a naked stranger. We began talking about losing weight and he joked about how he needed to lose 100 pounds and how hard his challenge would be. I found it silly of me to complain about me not being able to lose 25 pounds but its all relative right. I have never talked to another man for 10 solid minutes while I was naked but I did this time. He got out of the hot tub and I told him we should work out together sometime. Then I thought, am I asking this naked guy to meet up for a workout date? I couldn’t bring myself to ask his name…that would have just been weird.

I went to my favorite “to go” restaurant yesterday after a pretty great diet day. I was just going to get my usual, salmon and spinach. But what I really was craving was tortilla soup. But yesterday was not a day for tortilla soup at this place so I decided to make my own. How hard could it be right? Forget the fact that I have never made this or any other soup before that wasn’t in a can. I was going to make soup. So, on my way to the store, I decided to go one step further and make a nice dinner for two. Salmon, Baked sweet potatoes and broccoli as well. So, after about an hour in the grocery store shopping while I read the ingredients needed for tortilla soup, I left with my $100 worth of stuff. All because my place didn’t serve tortilla soup. I SHOWED THEM! I got home and I honestly didn’t know where to start. I had no idea how long to bake sweet potatoes. And I haven’t baked salmon in a while. Or should I grill it??? or broil it? it was like I hadn’t cooked in so long that my kitchen was like another planet to me. I didn’t know where anything was or even what I should start on first. I googled sweet potatoes, I googled tortilla soup and I googled baked salmon. Ok, sweet potatoes first. Yada, yada, 2 hours later, I was done and my kitchen was a wreck. And oddly enough, that’s when the doctor walked in. I’m going to be honest. The sweet potatoes weren’t great. The fish was pretty decent and the soup was way too spicy. After dinner, she laid down on the couch. Hello, the kitchen is a wreck! Yes, I know you worked 12 hours and you’re tired. But at least give me a hand…nope, she was asleep in 10 minutes. I’m pretty sure I did the dishes when she cooked. I found myself clanging the dishes as I washed them and she slept and I tried to stop myself. There were way too many dishes to fit in the dishwasher. Ok Al, calm down…she’s tired. Ok, I’m gonna let that slide this time but I’m gonna write this incident up and put it in her file.