We have done this contest in the past called “I have a dream.” It’s where people write us and tell us about a dream they have and we try to make some of them come true. My dream is to travel. I am lucky enough to meet a lot of people and from time to time I meet a few that are traveling. I don’t mean they are doing a weekend trip or a few days, I mean they are taking a year off of work and they are just traveling the world. Or at the very least, they might be from Europe or Australia and they have come to the states to just travel and see the entire country. How cool is that? To be able to check out of your normal everyday life of work or school and just go. In my dream, I would get one of those big tour busses that sleeps 2-3 people and has a kitchen and a bathroom and just hit the road. There is so much world that I haven’t seen. Chicago, Washington, Heck, I would love to go to the Hamptons and hang out with Diddy! Then I would sell my bus after I see the U.S. and I would travel to Europe and get a mini cooper and travel over there for a while. I wonder if this would be one of those things that SOUNDS fun but after you start doing it, it’s not fun anymore? Hmmm…I’m not sure but I’d at least like to try it. But then again, I hate driving. So I’d have to call Über to get them to drive me around. That would probably be pretty expensive. Oh well, that’s my dream and I’m sticking to it.
My weekend was full of work. I am in serious need of some fun time for me and my girlfriend. Sure, I am glad to have a business but I am in need of some fun down time to rest and relax. A movie, a go-cart ride, maybe a day at an arcade…any of the above would be fine. And my girlfriend is so cool to not complain but I can tell she needs to do something other than what we have been doing, which is hanging out at my bar and watch me bartend. That can’t be very much fun for her. She has to be seriously wondering if things are going to get better. Having a business is funny. When it’s slow like it was this summer, all I could do was think about how to make it busy and create sales. That was all I could focus on. I wasn’t sleeping. It took everything for me to not fall into a deep funk during the slow times. Now that its busy, I am still there all the time but now its because I am trying to make sure that everyone is doing what they need to be doing and I am trying to make sure we take full advantage of the busy times so that the lean times aren’t so bad next summer. It’s a never-ending process. But the point is, I need to make sure that I don’t neglect my family, my girlfriend, and myself. So my search continues for the perfect balance.