Lots of Mexico talk coming from me lately. But only a small portion of it is ABOUT me. Tomorrow, one of my employees in Dallas is moving. He’s not moving across town or to a city 20 miles away. He’s moving to freaking Mexico to work at my bar there. WOAH! MOVING to MEXICO! That’s a trip. He’s 27 years old and doing one of those things that could be a life changer. In fact, it is a life changer. He’s changing his life. nateSo, last night, I threw him a going away party and all of his close friends and family were at the bar to wish him well. And about half way through the party, I thought it was time for me to give the speech. You know, the speech where the guy throwing the party grabs the mic and says stuff about the honoree. It was totally unrehearsed and totally unscripted. Not exactly my specialty but I did the best I could. As I think back, I am so glad that there was no tape recorder in my face but I have a feeling somewhere in the distance, someone was rolling video.. It was sincere yet somehow this morning, I wonder how I did…but as I think back, i’m keeping in mind that it wasn’t about me. I know I talked about how I met Nate and how I came to trust him enough to send him to another country to run my bar. And I think I mentioned how if no one had ever given me a shot, I wouldn’t be standing there. And some how, and for some unknown reason, I think I mentioned the guy that was valet parking. 🙂 Well, anyway, after I was done, we hugged. (Me and Nate, not me and the Valet parker.) People clapped and that was good enough for me. At least everyone else there was drinking too!

Good Luck Nate