Have you ever saved a bunch money to buy something, and when you get it you hate it? That’s happened to me a ton of times. Bought a truck when I was 18, got ripped off… hated it for 7 years. Tip: Don’t buy a truck with flames on the side, because your friends will make fun of you every. single. day. Bought dress shoes that were popular a few years back… hated them. They gave me blisters, and it felt like my Achilles heel was being stabbed repeatedly. Bought my first bed from a guy I went to school with in college… hated it! The bed had a huge stain on it. It looked like blood, and a lot of it, but I told Kinsey that it was probably hot chocolate. My boy said “no refunds”. Friendship rules! Saved money to take Kinsey to a fancy restaurant when we were super broke… hated it! I ordered a steak that cost $40, and received three slices of beef that looked like an appetizer. So, as you can tell, I tend to be good with my money… but I suck at buying stuff that I save money for.
This is why Friday can take its time to get here. Why would I want Friday to take its time? That happens to be the day that I will be closing on my first home! AHHHHH! This is happening for reals! I get to hand in a money order that I took out two weeks ago. Why did I get the money order a couple weeks ago? So that I am not tempted to spend the money. Bye, bye life savings! Hello, first huge investment of my life! I told Kinsey that I will definitely be a bit on edge this week, but I should have told Cason too. Why? Because he took my car keys yesterday, and hid them. Where? I have no idea, because he can’t tell me. I saw him playing with the key, I walked to the kitchen, came back, and he was in his room… with no key. I looked everywhere, and could not find the key! How is a 10 month old so good at hiding stuff? Well played, young man. With my luck, I will lose the spare and be screwed. I need one last bad luck event to cap off the “J-Si Bad Luck Tour 2012”! haha!