Jenna’s Blog: All dressed up, somewhere to go, too tired
Jenna’s Blog: All dressed up, somewhere to go, too tired

You know when that question about age is posed to you, the one about if you didn’t know how old you are, how old would you be? I’d choose my real age if I was choosing how old I WANT to be I suppose, but if I didn’t know and was basing it all on how I feel, I’d say 50. Not that 50 is old, but I feel way more tired that I should. I turn 29 next month just for the record. I am not really concerned about getting older…yet, I’m just worn out with feeling worn out. This whole getting 3 hours of sleep a few days a week just isn’t working for me. I think it’s time for me to start hibernating on the weekends again. Let me tell you exactly how beyond tired (and lame) I am.

Last night for instance, I had planned to go to this doggie charity event. Out of any charitable event, other than Kidd’s Kids and Glamour Squad, this is something I feel close to because of the doggie thing and it’s put on by the boarder that I use and love. I shower, get all dressed up, running late of course and go as far as getting in my car and starting to drive there before I come to the sad realization that I am just too tired to go. jennaIs this worse than driving to the gym, sitting in the parking lot and then leaving? The charity event sure takes less effort in a physical sense. I was just so exhausted I could barely drive out of my parking garage. So, I got food and went back home. What is my deal? This is why I hardly have any semblance of a social life. I can’t event go out from 8-9 pm during the week. Sad, sad, sad. On top of that, I feel so guilty for missing the event.

I really don’t want to become that person that writes checks for charity. Of course, that is exactly what I’m going to do in this situation. I am going to donate post event and apologize to them for the next 2 weeks whenever I board Maximus. I don’t want to write checks. I want to be social. I’m anti-social. and tired. and beat. #woof