In an effort to try and relax more as well as get more sleep, I spent way too much money on vitamins at Central Market. This is usually the section I stay away from for 2 reasons. I know myself and know that I won’t take anything on a daily basis and I am not even sure if vitamins really work. I do know that I have been covered in bruises for no reasonable explanation. I bragged to a friend yesterday that I am very coordinated, so I would know if I had been falling or bumping into things. I think it must have something to do with the dairy ban. I probably should be taking vitamins and I’m not sure why I don’t. I grew up not taking anything so I guess that’s where it comes from. Well how things have changed. Just last night I had Holly take a photo of my ridiculousness. Face mask, B stress vitamins and some nasty tasting coconut water that’s supposed to be good for you so I’m trying. Do remedies like this really help with stress levels and anxiety? I am going to give the vitamins a month straight and see if it really makes a difference.
Our whole apartment is a mess really. Not the apartment itself, but the things in it. Holly is upset about her appearance and eating habits, I am just a disaster in general and now poor Maximus has lesions… His new name is the lesionaire. You know it’s bad when the dog is so stressed because of my stress that he is sick as well. I really hope that isn’t what’s happening. He’s lost weight, he is sleeping a lot and seems down. Do they make doggie Prozac? This could be a reasonable solution. Prozac in the apartment water for all.
I have reached such a level of intolerance with reality television that I think I can only handle one show at a time these days. I just can’t keep watching some of these stupid people say things that don’t matter. I know it sounds crazy, but I’d rather be reading and learning something. I know what a fan my roommate is-or every girl for that matter-of The Bachelorette, so I have decided that I will try and make it though the season with her when she is watching. I told her this means no Housewives or other reality dating shows. I of course watched Howard Stern on America’s Got Talent only because I wanted to see how he was and even that won’t last for me I’m sure. Staying on that for a sec, I do think he is a great draw for that show. He seemed a little too nice and that was unexpected but I am glad he can get on there and show that he is more than just vulgarity and that he’s actually supremely talented.
Anyways, I don’t even know how Emily could keep more than 2 or 3 of those dudes. I would never leave the house again if that crew of men were my only dating options. Not like I leave the house much these days anyways, but you get the point. She also seems just so boring. Nice and beautiful but boring. I don’t like watching boring people. I’d rather watch someone I don’t like, because at least there’s some passion involved either way. It’s gonna be a long season if it stays like this and I didn’t even make it to the end of the first episode.