Madison’s Fun Facts

Check out a few fun facts about our Big Break Winner below! Favorite color: light blue Favorite animal: CATS (we have 3, Atticus Finch, Padme & Caboose) I can do weird tricks with my tongue I love sushi I’m a total clothes junkie (spend almost every penny I earn at

Big Al Mack Rates the Girls [AUDIO]

Big Al said that all women are crazy and then ended up rating Dr. Girlfriend’s hotness on a scale from 1-10. This put him in hot water with the girls on the show. So he ranked them too. Listen to find out their ratings below! listen to ‘Big Al Mack

Chloe’s Passport [AUDIO]

J-Si’s family was planning a trip to Spain with bio dad, but there was a serious problem when trying to get his daughter a passport. You don’t want to miss this story check it out below! listen to ‘Chloe's Passport’ on Audioboo  

Parenting Fails [AUDIO]

Kellie felt like the worst parent after getting Emma Kelly the Dumb Ways to Die game. We wanted to hear your bad parenting mistakes, so we opened up the phone lines. Listen and share your stories below! listen to ‘Parenting Fails’ on Audioboo  

Breastfeeding Graduate Controversy [AUDIO/PIC]

Karlesha Thurman graduated from college and posted a picture of her breast-feeding her baby. This created controversy and the image has gone viral. What do you think? Listen and share your thoughts below! listen to ‘Breastfeeding Graduation ’ on Audioboo   Learn more on the controversy here.