Check out a few fun facts about our Big Break Winner below!

  1. Favorite color: light blue
  2. Favorite animal: CATS (we have 3, Atticus Finch, Padme & Caboose)
  3. I can do weird tricks with my tongue
  4. I love sushi
  5. I’m a total clothes junkie (spend almost every penny I earn at Marshalls on clothes)
  6. I was an NCA All-American Cheerleader (freshman year) and got to perform in the Disney Christmas Day Parade
  7. I love to ride my bike (it was my grandmother’s)
  8. I like the STL Cardinals, but for the NFL, I’m a COWBOYS fan. I’ve even been to a game at the new stadium.
  9. I played several lead roles in theater: Millie in Thoroughly Modern Millie (11 years old); Wicked Witch in Wizard of Oz (14 yrs old); Ida in The Ugly Duckling (9 yrs); the Fairy Godmother in R & H’s Cinderella, the musical (set in 80’s as Cyndi Lauper @ 15 years); Alice in Alice in Wonderland (12 years)


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