Pleasant Is Good

My lunch date yesterday was, pleasant. Pleasant isn’t really what you are looking for on either side in my opinion. But on the other hand, pleasant is good. It’s really good when you are describing the weather, right? Ok, here’s the deal. We went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant.

I Had To Laugh!

Today is the day that I am turning over possession of Mckinney Avenue Tavern. We have moved most of the “stuff” out. But there are lots of things that had to stay behind. A beautiful pergola that I had installed a few years back that cost thousands of dollars… The

We’re Not Doing Anything!

Valentines is over!!! Now we can move on. Us single people really get tired of hearing, “What are you doing for Valentines day?” We’re not doing anything! Deal with it! I did hear from “Whiskey Neat” yesterday and she even asked me what I got myself for Valentines Day? Umm,