There is no story attached to that… it was pretty much just an observation! now, on with my blog.

This diet pretty much sucks. Then again, ANY diet pretty much sucks! I’m not on any diet that anyone has heard of. It’s just 3 or 4 elements of different diets that I’ve either tried or heard about from other people.

Well, I guess I didn’t win the Powerball. Dang it. I was really hoping to buy a helicopter so I could fly it to the airplane store to buy a jet. Then I would fly to Miami and buy a cool Yacht. And my yacht would have to have a helipad on it so I could park my cool helicopter on it. At least I would have my modes of transportation covered, right? Then what? Quit working? I Love my job. Maybe, I could have a studio installed in my yacht and do the show from exotic locations every day…or maybe, the whole show could travel with me and we would just make the show an eternal road show and we would all live on the yacht and travel. Who am I kidding? Kellie would never go for that.

It’s all about balance right? I mean just because I met the doctor when she was out on a “girl’s night” is no reason for concern when she goes out with the girls, right? Hey, it’s what girls do. Y’all get together with the girls and go out and eat and drink and bash guys, right? I have not been out participating in a girl’s night but I have had a few come through the bar. One drink leads to another drink and before you know it, one of the girls is laying on the bar while some random dude is doing a body shot off of her. Well, last night was girl’s night for the doctor and that’s really all I can report on that. They have a standard restaurant that they normally do and a that’s all that I know. Last night, it did include an after party at some random club. And then, she took her cab home and I got the 2am call letting me know she was ok. Meanwhile, I was home sleeping like a rock on my couch. My normal Salmon/string bean dinner had been consumed by 5pm and I was done. Out like a light by 6 or so. I am a party animal, huh? I’m still on cloud nine from the steak dinner she made for me the night before. Hopefully, that won’t be a one time thing but then again, I don’t want to say, “Lets cook every Wednesday.” I think that takes the fun out of it. Anytime we have to do something on a schedule, that makes it work.

But she is inching closer and closer to a trip to Mexico. She can’t go in December because she has to work and getting someone to cover shifts in December is pretty tough. But she is able to go in January for a weekend. So, that’s what we’re shooting for. By then, we will be just over the 90 day mark and that’s about the time that some relationships expire. Hmmmmmn. Ticket or Skip it? Ha-ha…some folks will get that!