Big Al’s Blog: Turtle racing….it’s sweeping the nation
Big Al’s Blog: Turtle racing….it’s sweeping the nation

The second idea is even crazier than the first. I’m sure you have heard about the new idea that’s sweeping the nation. It’s called Turtle Racing, duh! It’s actual turtles…racing! Now, turtlethis idea requires two things that I don’t have. 1) Turtles. And B) a Turtle racing area. Some dude asked me the other day if I had ever thought about doing turtle racing? I had never even heard of it but it sounded fun to me. So, Tuesday is the first big race.

I have NO idea how this is going to go which is half the fun of it. I love coming up with ideas that have the possibility of anything happening in the end. Wish me luck.

In tomorrow’s blog, I will ask the question: if your girlfriend is buying casual friends baby clothes, does that mean she’s thoughtful, or does that mean that she has “baby” on the brain?