You know what I love? I love company outings! Guess what we did yesterday? Had a company outing. We went out, ate some food, and hit a bunch of golf balls. Here’s the thing, I am not much of a golfer. This has turned into a very sore shoulder, a sore forearm, and three blisters on my hand. I suck at golf, but I don’t care about my soreness today because we had a major Cason breakthrough… and I missed it. At around 9:30, on Monday, April 2nd, Cason lol’d! Yup, he laughed out loud!

It’s a lil bittersweet, because he did it when he arrived at his babysitter’s house. I probably get to hang out with him more than she does, due to being his father, but I have not been able to get him to laugh how she did. Kinsey had also been ineffective in that mission. So why is this bittersweet? Because we are starting to think that Cason likes his babysitter way more than he likes us. We may be jumping to conclusions, but the evidence is pretty clear.

There was something that got my mind off of the fact that my kid may like his babysitter better. Kinsey’s boss offered me two tickets to an NBA game yesterday. There were two problems:

1. I was pretty sore and tired from golfing and not getting a nap.

2. The NCAA championship was on yesterday.

Needless to say, I was leaning towards thanking him and staying home… until he told me that they were floor seats. Yeah, my feet on the court. I could pat basketball players on the butt and tell them, “good pass!” if wanted to. I didn’t do that due to the fear factor their height created. It was one of those things that may only happen once in my lifetime, so I took them. Kinsey and I now had to find a last minute babysitter. Luckily, her sister was willing to do it. So Kinsey and I got to have a lil date night. We ended up on the kiss cam too!!! Right after we got on the kiss cam, they showed another couple. It was an older guy with a really pretty, and much younger, girl. So I tried to be funny and make the rich people laugh and started yelling, “that’s her dad! Don’t kiss!!” hahahaha! right?!?! Nope. Apparently, the couple was sitting right behind us… not a couple rows up or to the side… right. Behind. us. Kinsey noticed because she looked up at the screen and saw the top of my hat on the jumbotron. Yes, I manage to embarrass myself a lot. I also bought my food the entire game… and was told by the guy next to me that the food down there is apparently free. I am such a rookie with cool stuff.