I am ashamed to admit this, but I did not have one single conversation or one interaction with another human being on Easter Sunday, well, unless you count the moment my roommate Holland came into my room and whispered, “I’m leaving, bye!” I couldn’t even pull myself out of bed until almost noon. Then I made myself breakfast, took a shower, went on a nice walk with my overweight dog and went back to bed. I woke up just in time to witness the worst sports injury I’ve ever seen and I’m actually rather upset that I can never unsee that one. I am annoyed that I can’t even run right now because my shin splints are so terrible, but that really put my shins into perspective. I’m still going to complain about it though. How am I supposed to alleviate the stresses in life without running? Yoga? Gross. runI think the elliptical is a trick anyways because I never feel like I get a workout on there. Someone told me to run backwards around a track for a few laps every single day. Is this real? Or is this just to make me do something to look ridiculous. Normally I can’t do those outlandish-looking workout moves, but in this case, I am going to try it. My shins hurt so badly I can’t even cross my legs sitting down. How do I play soccer almost my whole life until adulthood and never once get shin splints, now they are so bad, I can’t do the two things that make me feel better in life. Run and wear high heels. I’m going to have to do a spin class? I have to stretch and ice? Ugh. How about I just take one of Maximus’ pain killers so I can push through the pain. That’s probably one of those things you don’s say aloud. Oh well. I am really struggling to come up with a happy medium between a full week of work and still finding the time have some semblance of a social life. It’s just not possible. I either go big or stay home. I don’t want to act like I’m married and just go to dinner every weekend night then come home. Then again, I am really bored with bars. I mean, really, increasingly bored with that scene. I think I’m going to start getting back into golf. Mission of this week: go to the driving range. Not that I have anyone to play with now or anytime, but one day.