Kellie’s 6 year old daughter, Emma Kelly, has a loose tooth and doesn’t want it pulled out! Find out what happened in today’s Best of the Day clip…. See all “Best of the Day” clips
Must Be Nice Guy heard about our TV show [AUDIO]
Our friend, Must be Nice Guy called the show today. He saw our new TV show, Dish Nation, and thought he’d give us an update on how his life is going too. See all Must Be Nice Guy
4 Things No Woman Should Ever Forgive
Are you wasting your time with the wrong guy? Here are the 4 red flags we talked about that every woman should look out for! 1. He isn’t supportive. 2. You can’t be yourself around him. 3. He’s a user. 4. He doesn’t get along with your friends and/or family.
Big Al’s Blog: Guys don’t push the buggy!
Salmon, Salmon, Salmon, Salmon…4 days in a row. I do mix the veggies up a bit. I go back and forth between string beans and spinach. I may turn into a big piece of Blackened Salmon one of these days. The Doctor said to me yesterday as we ordered our
J-Si’s Blog: Yup, I am that neighbor…
There are little signs that let us know we are not 18 years old anymore… I had one of those yesterday. 18 year old J-Si would have thought that what happened yesterday is cool. New J-Si, was annoyed. The first moment I realized I was an adult was probably when