I had to do the deed yesterday. I had to fire a guy. 13 days before Christmas…man I feel terrible but it kinda had to be done. But that doesn’t make it feel any better. Ugh, not good.
On a brighter note, its time to Christmas shop. I’m headed to the mall today and we will see how thoughtful I am. Doctor/girlfriend is actually going with me so I won’t be getting her gift today but I think I have a couple things in mind for her. But I would like to get something for her that doesn’t come from a store necessarily. We talk about crappy gifts on the show soooo much that I really have no excuse for messing this up.
Today is the 3 Year Anniversary of Big Al’s Mckinney Avenue Tavern. It was 3 years ago today that I sat at the attorney’s office and signed the papers and took ownership. And what have these three years taught me?
1) Running a restaurant is a lot more work than I ever could have imagined.
2) The owner should NEVER touch a person when you are throwing them out.
3) Always pay your liquor taxes on time.
4) People love karaoke.
5) People LOVE midget wrestling
6) Day drinkers ROCK!
7) Australians can stay at your house 4 hours after you meet them.
8) Never put a 20 foot soccer ball on top of your building without a permit.
9) Never hire a band that you haven’t heard.
10) Some people drink as they fill out an application.
11) Never take a girl you just met to Mexico.
12) Webbed toes are not that uncommon.
13) It is possible for a person to be drunk at 11am.
14) White ladies might get drunk with their daughters.
15) If a white lady calls the cops about a stolen car, 4 cop cars show up.
16) People love Monster Trucks.
17) Tone Loc smokes weed.
18) Coolio smokes weed.
19) Digital Underground smokes weed.
20) Always tighten the blades on your ceiling fans!