That’s The Way I Felt

Yesterday, we had an office lunch. All 32 employees went one mile down the street to visit a new entertainment complex. It was beautiful and delicious. Everything was on point. I have to admit, even though everything was great, it made me feel a little jealous or maybe even mad

That’s Really Sleeping In

No, I didn’t go to the beach… No, I didn’t go visit my friend in South Carolina. I just stayed here at home. I slept in until 7am everyday and for me, that’s really SLEEPING IN. I spent most of my days and nights at my new restaurant in Waxahachie.

Happy Friday Everybody!

It’s the weekend Baby! And it’s vacatioooonnnn, Baby! What do I do? Where do I go? How do I spend the next week? I really don’t have any plans. Mexico? Possibly. In fact, I’ve been checking on airfares and hotels. Or, another option is to take a trip to Savannah,

The Streak Continues

Blake Shelton was in town on Friday night and I was determined to go to this show. My friend, Whiskey Neat, agreed to go with me but after she heard the itinerary that I had planned, she told me that she probably would not be able to go. Well, she